Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Urgent Action Needed!

There are two huge bills facing both the House and Senate this week with votes pending on Friday, June 26. Both bills will mean huge financial consequences to the U.S. The Healthcare matter will not be voted on this week. Once again, our attention is being diverted from what is really happening this week.
No matter who you voted for, neither of these bills will benefit anyone except the special interest groups pushing for their passage.
PLEASE contact your congressman or woman and senators NOW to say NO to these egregious pieces of legislation. We all must speak out on this. Use this link to find out out to reach your representatives:
In the House:
H.R. 2454 - Waxman-Markley American Clean Energy And Security Act of 2009 (aka CAP and TRADE)

Reps. Henry Waxman (D-CA) and Ed Markey (D-MA) modified their global warming proposal to win support from skeptical congressmen, but in the process made the bill worse for the U.S. economy.The economic impact of the new draft varies from that of the original draft in several major ways:
• Compared to no cap and trade, real GDP losses increase an additional $2 trillion, from $7.4 trillion under the original draft to $9.6 trillion under the new draft;
• Compared to no cap and trade, average unemployment increases an additional 261,000 jobs, from 844,000 lost jobs under the original draft to 1,105,000 lost jobs under the new draft; and
• Peak-year unemployment losses rise by 500,000 jobs, from 2 million under the original draft to 2.5 million under the new draft.

For more information:
*Notes: Al Gore owns the company that will broker the trades. Interesting that he is such an outspoken proponent of this legislation.

Go Here to take action:
Or call
Toll Free
Click on Name for more info
Senator Robert C. Byrd
Senator John D. Rockefeller
Representative Alan B. Mollohan

In the Senate:
S.560 - Employee Free Choice Act (aka Card Check)
This bill is organized labor's number one legislative priority, and it is vigorously opposed by the business lobby.
The misnamed Employee Free Choice Act does more than take away workers' rights to vote in private. It also gives control of the workplace to government bureaucrats.
Government officials would write the collective bargaining agreements of most newly organized companies.
The government would set not just wages and benefits but all business operations that significantly affect workers, such as promotion procedures, retirement plans, health benefits, subcontracting, mergers, work assignments, even the machines used to run a plant.
Employers would lose the ability to pursue their business strategies, and workers would lose all say about their workplace for two years.
EFCA effectively constitutes a government takeover of America's workplaces.

Go Here to take action:
Or call the above numbers.
Please, don't just pass around emails lamenting the death of America and complaining about Obama - DO SOMETHING!

Keep up on all bills being passed at